11.1.1 Read the riddles given helow and solve them in pairs/groups. Give you a score for each correct answer. Later, share your score with the class and tell them what you love ahout doing this activity in pairs/ groups
(নিচের ধাঁধাঁটি পড়ো এবং জোড়ায়/দলে সেটি সমাধান করো। প্রতিটি সঠিক উত্তরের জন্য নিজের নামে একটি score যোগ করো। পরে ক্লাসের সাথে তোমার score (প্রাপ্ত নম্বর) share করো এবং জোড়া। দলে এই activity করার সময় তোমার কী ভালো লেগেছে তা তাদেরকে বলো।)
Riddle-1: I am hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. Now tell me, who am I?
Your answer:_______________
Riddle-2: I am the family you chose, with me by your side, you'll never lose! Now tell me, who am I?
Your answer:________________
Riddle-3: I am more precious than gold but cannot be bought, Can never be sold, only earned if it's sought If it is broken it can still be mended, At birth it can start nor by death is it ended. Now tell me, who am I?
Your answer:_____________________
Riddle-4: I am a ship that can be made to ride the greatest waves. I am not built by objects hut by minds. Now tell me, who am I?
Your answer:_______________
Riddle-5: What costs nothing but is worth everything. Weighs nothing but can last a lifetime, That one person can't own, but two or more can share? Now tell me, who am I?
Your answer______________
11.1.2 Now, ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Next, share your answers with the class.
(এখন জোড়ায়/দলে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো জিজ্ঞাসা করো এবং উত্তর দাও। পরে তোমার উত্তরগুলো শ্রেণিতে share করো।)
a. With whom do you share your happiness or sadness besides your family?
b. Why are friends special to you?
c. To you, what are the essential qualities of friendship?
d. Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you think so?
e. "The greatest gift of life is friendship." Do you agree? If yes, why?
11.1.3 Now, let's play a game to explore some of the qualities of our friends.
(এখন চলো, একটি খেলার মাধ্যমে আমাদের বন্ধুদের গুণগুলো অনুসন্ধান করি।)
To play this game, you will need a hall to toss. Manage a ball beforehand or you can make a ball with paper. Tell one of your friends to list all the qualities on the board that you are going to explore.
Instructions to play the game
It continues until all the students have got a chance to toss the ball and got chosen. In the end, look at the board, you will have a beautiful visual display of the qualities that connect friends
11.2.1 Look at the following pictures and read the story that follows. Then, arrange the pictures following the story. Next, ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
(নিচের ছবিগুলো দেখো এবং পরের গল্পটি পড়ো। তারপর গল্প অনুযায়ী ছবিগুলো সাজাও। পরবর্তীতে জোড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও।)
Munia and Lipi are two friends living in a small town Munia's father is a forest officer Two years ago, he was transferred here. On her first day at school, when she entered the class, she felt very helpless and isolated Then, a girl called her with a sweet smile and made a space beside her to sit. That's how their friendship started. With time, it became deeper and deeper. Even the teachers and classmates often call them "Manikjor Every day Munia walks almost 2 kilometres to come to school only to accompany her friends. They share everything. One day they decided to improve their fluency in English and started to practise speaking Whenever they talk to each other, they use only English. Seeing that other students sometimes make fun of them. For that reason, Lipi felt insulted and wanted to switch to Bangla But, it's Munia whose determination helped her to be on track. Lipi has a good taste for food, and always brings delicious food for tiffin. During the tiffin break, she never takes her tiffin without Munia. Munia thinks it's the friendship that makes her days here so enjoyable and easy.
a) What do you like about this story?
b) What are the qualities of a friend that you have found in them?
c) Have you learnt anything from the story? If yes, what is it?
d) Do you have friends like them? If yes, share a story when your friend/s were there for you
e) How do you maintain a good friendship? What do you do for your friends?
f) Do you think friends have great importance in your life? If yes, why do you think so?
Reflection time! Remember that in grade 6, you read 'King Lear' (a tragedy) and in grade 7. you read 'As You Like It' (a comedy). Now, discuss the following questions in pairs/groups. Next, share your thoughts with the class. a. What type of literary writings are King Lear and As You Like It? b. What do you like about these two plays? c. What characteristics of a play do you find in King Lear and As You Like It? d How is King Lear different from As You Like It? |
11.3.1 Now, let's read another masterpiece of William Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice. Before that have a look at the short note about the play and then do the activities that follow.
(এখন Shakespeare এর আরেকটি Masterpiece, The Merchant of Venice পড়ি। তার পূর্বে নাটকটি সম্পর্কে short note টি দেখি এবং পরের কাজগুলো গুলো করি।)
The Merchant of Venice is a tragicomedy which means both tragic and comic elements are there in this play. Sometimes, you may experience that both negative and positive emotions are woven together. Also, you can find both serious and playful tones in the play.
The Merchant of Venice একটি tragicomedy এর অর্থ হচ্ছে নাটকটিতে tragic এবং comic উভয় উপাদানই রয়েছে। কখনো কখনো তুমি বুঝতে পারবে যে এই নাটকে ইতিবাচক এবং নেতিবাচক উভয় অনুভূতি বোনা রয়েছে। তাছাড়া এই নাটকটিতে তুমি serious এবং কৌতুকপূর্ণ স্বর (tone) উভয়ই খুঁজে পাবে।
William Shakespeare
Scene 1: A wharf in Venice, Italy, in the sixteenth century Antonio is talking to his friends Salerio and Solanio.
ANTONIO: I don't know why I'm so sad. This mood makes me tired. But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, I don't know,
SALERIO: Your mind is tossing on the ocean,
SOLANIO: Believe me, if I had taken the risks that you have, I would be worried, 100
SALERIO: Every time I saw a church, the holy stones would make me think of dangerous rocks. I would wonder what harm they could do to my deli cate ship!
I know Antonio must be worrying about his merchandise
ANTONIO: Believe me, that's not the case. My fortune is spread out on many ships in many places
SOLANIO: Why, then, you must be in love!
ANTONIO: Not at all!
Bassanio, Lorenzo, and Gratiano enter
SOLANIO: Here comes Bassanio, your noble kinsman. Gratiano and Lorenzo are with him Farewell! We'll leave you now with better company.
[SALERIO and Solanio leave]
GRATIANO: You don't look well, Antonio. Don't worry so much.
ANTONIO: I see the world as a stage, Gratiano, where every man must play a part, and mine is a sad one.
GRATIANO: Let me play the fool, With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come... Why should a young man sit like his grandfather cut in alabaster70 my Antonio, some men are reputed wise for saying nothing But if they spoke, they would be called fools like me!
[to Antonio: Farewell for now I'll end my speech after dinner.
LORENZO: Yes, we'll see you at dinnertime. I must be one of those dumb wise men, as Gratiano never lets me speak
GRATIANO: Well, keep me company for two more years, you'll not know the sound of your own voice!
ANTONIO: Fare you well. [Gratiano and Lorenzo exit]
ANTONIO: Well, tell me now, what lady takes your fancy?
BASSANIO: Antonio, you know very well that I've been spendingmy inheritance by living beyond my means. I owe a lot of money, and most of it to you! But I have a plan to get clear of all the debts I owe.
ANTONIO:Bassanio, tell me about it. I'll do everything I can to help you
BASSANIO: There is a rich young lady in Belmont. She is beautiful and virtueus. Sometimes I have received speechless messages from her eyes. Her name is Portia. The world is not ignorant of her worth, and many young men sail in every day to try and win her Antonio, if only I had the money to compete with these suiters, I'm convinced I could win her hand
ANTONIO:You know that my fortunes are at sea. I do not have the cash, nor do I have anything to sell right now. So go to Venice See what my credit can do. Use it to borrow as much money as you need to finance your trip to Belmont
[Bassanio and Antonio exit]
A list of words with meanings is given below for your help.
Words | Meanings |
1. wharf | an area in a port where goods are taken off and put on ships |
2. toss | move from side to side/To throw with a quick, light, or care- less motion |
3. merchandise | goods that are bought and sold |
4. kinsman | a blood relative |
5. mirth | laughter, humour, or happiness |
6. alabaster | an almost transparent, white stone |
7. inheritance | money or objects that someone gives you when they die |
8. suitor | a man who wants to marry a particular woman |
9. owe | need to pay or repay money to a person, bank, business, etc |
11.3.2 Now, read scene-1 again and auswer the following questions. Later, share your answers in pairs/groups.
(এখন scene-1 আবার পড়ো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও। পরে তোমার উত্তর গুলো শ্রেণিতে share করো।)
a) How many characters are there in the scene
b) Who are they?
c) What is the setting of the scene?
d) What is the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio? How do you get to know about their relationship? Explain with an example.
e) Why was Antonio worried?
f) Why did Bassanie need money?
11.3.3 Let's read Scene-2!
Scene 2: The hall at Portia's house at Belmont. Portia is talking with her maid, Nerissa
PORTIA: Honestly, Nerissa, I am just too tired of this great world.
NERISSA: You would be better off, dear lady, if you had as much misery as you have good fortune, As I see it, those who have too much are as miserable as those who have too little. Excess gives you. white hair and makes you old before your time!
PORTIA: Good sentences, and well-said.
NERISSA: They'd be better if well-followed
PORTIA: But isn't it unfair, Nerissa, that the will of a living daughter is curbed by the will of a dead father? I am not allowed to refuse one I dislike or to choose one I like
NERISSA: Your father was very virtuous, and he must have known how to pick the right husband for you. How do you feel about the princely suitors who have already come to seek your hand?
PORTIA: Please name them. And as you do so, I will describe them for you
NERISSA: First there is the prince from Naples.
PORTIA: Oh, yes, that colt! He does nothing but talk about his horse. He brags that he can shoe the beast himself
NERISSA: Then there is Count Palatine
PORTIA: He does nothing but frowns all day! He listens to jokes and never smiles
NERISSA: What do you say about the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?
PORTIA: I would be happy if he hated me, for I could never return his love
NERISSA: And the young English baren?
PORTIA: You know I never speak to him. He doesn't understand me, and I don't understand him. He speaks neither Latin, French, nor Italian And you know that my English is not good.
NERISSA: What about the young German?
PORTIA: I dislike him when he is sober as much as when he is drunk
NERISSA: Do you remember, dear lady, a suitor from Venice?
PORTIA: Yes, yes! It was Bassanio, if I remember correctly
NERISSA: True, madam. He seemed to be the most deserving of a fair lady
PORTIA: I remember him well. Yes, Bassanio is worthy of your praise
Again, a list of words with meanings is given below for your help.
Word | Meaning |
1) miserable | very unhappy/ full of misery |
2) curb | to control or limit something that is not wanted |
3) brag | to speak with pride |
4) frown | a facial expression that brings your eyebrows together to express dislike or displeasure |
5) baron | a title of honour |
6) sober | not intoxicated or drunk |
7) deserving | to be worthy of |
11.3.4 Now, read scene-2 again and answer the questions given below. Later, check your answers in pairs/groups.
(এখন scene-2 আবার পড়ো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও। পরে জোড়ায়/দলে তোমার উত্তরগুলো চেক করো।)
a How many characters are there in the scene?
b. Who are they?
c. Those who have too much are as miserable as those who have too little. Excess gives you white hair and makes you old before your time! Who said this? What does the expression refer to?
d. Do you like the character of Portia? If yes, why?
e. What does Portia think about Antonio?
11.3.5 It's time to read scene-3.
Scene 3: A street in Venice, outside Shylock's house.
SHYLOCK: You want 3,000 ducats, right?
BASSANIO: Yes, sit For three months. Antonio will guarantee it. Will you do it?
SHYLOCK: 3,000 ducats for three months. Antonio will guarantee it.
BASSANIO: What do you say?
SHYLOCK: Antonio is a good man. I think I can do it. When do you plan to pay it back?
[Antonio enters Don't worry, sir, We were just speaking about you
ANTONIO: Shylock although I never lend or borrow money with high interest- I'll make an exception to help my friend.
SHYLOCK: Sign an agreement, and for fun- If you don't pay me back as agreed, let the penalty be a pound of your flesh, to be cut off and taken from whatever part of your body I please
BASSANIO: (to Antonio): You shall not sign such a contract for me! I'll manage without it.
ANTONIO: Oh, don't worry, man! In two months-that's one month early-1 expect a return of nine times the value of this contract
ANTONIO: Yes, Shylock I'll sign the contract.
The list of words with meanings is given below for your help.
Word | Meaning |
1) ducat | a gold coin |
2) penalty | punishment for a crime or offence |
3) flesh | the soft part of the boly |
4) exception | someone or something that is different from others |
5) agreement | a plan or a decision that two or more people have made |
6) contract | a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee |
11.3.6 Read Scene-3 again and answer the questions given below. Next, check your answers in pairs/groups.
(Scene- 3 আবার পড়ো এবং নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও। পরে জোড়ায়/দলে তোমার উত্তরগুলো চেক করো।)
a) Who is Shylock?
b) 'Although I never lend or borrow money with high interest I'll make an exception to help my friend'- What characteristic of Antonio is revealed here?
c) You shall not sign such a contract for me! I'll manage without it. Who said this and why?
d) Do you think Antonio and Bassanio are good friends? Give reasons for your answer,
11.3.7 Now, read scene-4.
Scene 4: Portia's house in Belmont The Prince of Morocco enters, along with his attendants. Portia, Nerissa, and their servants await the visitors
PRINCE OF MOROCCO: Do not dislike me for my color My dark skin is the uniform of those who live under the burning sun. I tell you, lady, this face of mine has scared the bravest of men. And the loveliest women of our climate have loved it, too. I would not change my color except to in your thoughts, gentle queen.
PORTIA: In terms of choice, I am not led by looks alone, Be sides, my father's will does not permit me to choose my husband
PRINCE OF MOROCCO: Please lead me to the caskets so I can try my fortune.
PORTIA: You must take your chance. You must either not make a choice at all, Or swear before you choose, that if you
PRINCE OF MOROCCO PORTIA (to servant): Make the wrong choice, never to propose marriage to a woman afterwards Therefore, think carefully.
Lagree to the conditions. I'll take my chances Go, open the curtains. Show the noble prince the three caskets
(to the prince)
Now make your choice.
PRINCE OF MOROCCO: The first, gold, bears the words: "Who chooses me shall gain what many men desire" The second, silver, carries this promise: "Who chooses me shall get as much as he deserves." The third, of dull lead, bluntly warns: "Who chooses me must give and gamble all he has" How shall I know if my choice is right?
PORTIA: One of these contains my picture, Prince. If you choose that, you will be my husband.
PRINCE OF MOROCCO: May God guide mel Let me see What does this lead casket say? This casket looks dangerous. I'll not give or risk all for lead. What about the silver one?" shall get as much as he deserves." I deserve enough, but "enough"
might not stretch as far as to the lady. Let's see once more the saying on the gold." shall gain what many men desire." That's the lady-all the world desires her. One of the three holds her heavenly picture. Is it likely that lead contains her? I don't think so. Nor do I think she's in the silver, which is worth less than gold. Give me the key. I choose the gold one, And take my chance!
PORTIA (handing him the key): Take it, Prince. If my picture is inside, then I am yours. (He opens the golden casket.)
PRINCE OF MOROCCO: Oh, no! What have we here? A rotting skull, with a rolled- up manuscript stuffed in its empty eye socket. I'll read it. "All that glitters is not gold, Often you have heard that told. Portia, goodbye! I have too sad a heart for a long farewell
(Bowing, he leaves with his attendants.)
Again, a list of words with meanings is given below for your help.
11.3.8 Now, let's check your understanding by answering the questions given below. Next, share your answers in pairs/groups.
(এখন নিচের প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে তোমার understanding পরীক্ষা করে দেখি। পরে জোড়ায়/দলে তোমার উত্তরগুলো share করো।)
a 'In terms of choice, I am not led by looks alone which characteristic of Portia is reflected here?
b. How many caskets are there? What are they?
c. How would the suitors know that they chose the right one?
d. Why did the Prince of Morocco choose the gold one?
e. What was written in the manuscript?
11.3.9 Let's read the last two scenes!
Scene 5: The hall of Portia's house at Belmont. Bassanio is ready to make his choice.
PORTIA: Wait a little, please. Pause a day or two before you take the gamble. If
you choose wrong, I'll lose your company. Therefore, wait a while. I could teach you how to choose right, but I'm under eath not to.
BASSANIO: Let me choose. Let me test my fortune with the caskets
PORTIA: Go then! I am locked in one of them. If you really love me, you will find me (to Bassanio): Go, love! If you win, I live!
BASSANIO: The world is deceived with ornament. Cosmetics work miracles. Those with the lightest morals use them most heavily. Therefore, gaudygold, I want none of you Nor of you, silver, the stuff of common coins But you, worthless lead, whose dull outside promises nothing, I choose you. May jay be the result! (The servant hands him the key.)
BASSANIO (opening the casket): What do I find here? Fair Portia's portrait! (admir ing it) (to Portia) Fair Lady, your picture! But I won't believe I've won you until you tell me so.
PORTIA: Myself, and what is mine, are now yours. This house, these servants, and myself are yours I give them with this ring (She puts a ring on Bassanio's finger.) If you part with it, lose it, or give it away, that will mean the
BASSANIO: end of your love!
When this ring parts from this finger, life parts from me Scene 6: A Court in Venice
kl-ll/DUKE: Well, is Antonio here?
ANTONIO: Ready, your honor
DUKE: I am sorry for you You have come to answer a hard- hearted adversary, an inhuman wretch incapable of pity. devoid of a drop of mercy!
I shall meet his fury with patience. I'm ready to suffer his rage with a quietness of spirit.
Go, someone, and call the Jew into the court.
He is already at the door. He's coming, my lord (The crowd parts and Shylock stands before the duke, bowing low)
Shylock, you've sworn to take from this man a pound of flesh. The law entitles you to this but the whole world thinks-and se de I that you will show mercy in this last hout
SHYLOCK: I have told your grace my plans I have sworn by our holy Sabhath to have the due for default on my bond. You'll ask
me why I choose to have a pound of dead flesh rather than to receive three thousand ducats. I won't give any other reason, apart from the firm hatred that I have for Antonio
BASSANIO: This is no answer, you unfeeling man, to make excuses for your cruelty!
SHYLOCK: I am not obliged to please you with my answers!
BASSANIO: Do all men kill the things they do not love?
SHYLOCK: Wouldn't any man want to kill the things he hates?
BASSANIO: Not every offense causes hate
SHYLOCK : What-would you let a snake sting you twice?
ANTONIO (to Bassanio):You think you can reason with the Jew? I beg you make no more offers, use no other methods. As soon as possible, let me know the court's decision, and let the Jew have his will!
BASSANIO: I offer double your 3,000 ducats!
SHYLOCK: I would not take it I demand my bond!
DUKE: How can you hope for mercy, When you give none?
SHYLOCK: What judgment should I dread, having done no wrong? Man among you have slaves. You use them like your dogs and mules-for wretched jobs, because you bought them. The pound of flesh which I demand of him is mine. I will have it. If you deny me, I scorn your laws! I insist on justice.
DUKE: I have the power to dismiss this court, unless Bellario, а learned doctor of law, whom I have sent for to resolve this case, comes here today
SOLANIO: My lord, a messenger has just come From Padua, with letters from the doctor
DUKE: Bring me the letters
BASSANIO:Cheer up, Antonio! Be brave! The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, And all, before you shall lose one drop of blood for me (Portia enters, dressed as a judge, carrying a lawbook)
DUKE: And here, I take it, is the doctor himself (He greets her.) Give me your hand. (They shake.) You came from old Bellario?
PORTIA: I did, my lord
DUKE: You are welcome. Take your place. Are you familiar with the case before the court?
PORTIA: Yes, I am. Which is the merchant, and which the Jew?
DUKE: Antonio and Shylock, stand up.
PORTIA: Is your name Shylock?
SHYLOCK: Shylock is my name
PORTIA: Your case is unusual. But it is sound enough that Venetian laws cannot stop you from proceeding (to Antonio): You stand in some danger from him, do you not?
ANTONIO: Yes, so he says
PORTIA: Do you admit to the bond?
PORTIA: Then the Jew must be merciful.
SHYLOCK: And what forces me to be? Tell me!
PORTIA: The quality of mercy is not strained. It drops like the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed. It blesses him that gives, and him that takes. It is the mightiest in the mightiest Mercy is a quality of God himself If you insist on it, this strict court of Venice has no choice but to pronounce sentence against the merchant there
SHYLOCK: I'll answer for my own sins! I want the law to enforce my bond!
PORTIA: Is he not able to pay the money?
BASSANIO: Yes, I offer it to him now in court. It is twice the sum. If that is not enough, I will pay ten times the amount, on forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart!
(He kneels before Portia as if in prayer) I beg you: Stop this cruel devil from having
PORTIA: his will!
That cannot be. No power in Venice can change a standing law
SHYLOCK: Oh, wise young judge, I honour you!
PORTIA: Allow me to read the bond (to Antonio) You must prepare your breast for his knife
SHYLOCK: Noble judge! Excellent young man!
PORTIA: A pound of that merchant's flesh is yours. The court awards it, and the law permits it.
SHYLOCK: Most rightful judge!
PORTIA: You must cut it from his breast. The law allows it, and the court awards it.
SHYLOCK: Most learned judge! A sentence! (He moves with knife drawn toward Antonio) Come, prepare!
PORTIA: Wait a little. There's something else. This bond gives you not one drop of blood. The exact words are "a pound of flesh." So, you may take your bond and your pound of flesh. But, if in cutting it, you shed one drop of Chri tian blood, your lands and goods, under the laws of Venice, will be confiscated to the state of Venice.
SHYLOCK (appalled): Is that the law?
PORTIA (opening the lawbook): You can see for yourself. You pressed for justice Be assured you shall have even more justice than you want.
GRATIANO: Oh, learned judge!
SHYLOCK: I take the offer then. Pay three times the bond, and let him go
BASSANIO: Here's the money.
PORTIA (raising her hand): Gently now! The Jew shall have justice He shall have nothing but the penalty. Therefore, prepare to cut the flesh. Shed no blood.
SHYLOCK: Give me my money, and let me go
PORTIA: Wait, Shylock. The laws of Venice say that if a foreigner seeks the life of a citizen, he has broken the law.
Go, beg for mercy from the Duke
SHYLOCK: I beg you to let me leave.
The following list of words with meanings is for your help.
11.3.10 Now, answer the following questions and share them in pairs/ groups.
(এখন নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও এবং জোড়ায়/দলে তোমার উত্তরগুলো share করো।)
a) I shall meet his fury with patience. I'm ready to suffer his rage with a quietness of spirit. Who says this? What does the expression mean?
b) "The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, And all before you shall lose one
drop of blood for me. When and why did Antonio say this?
c) Why did Shylock change his mind and wish to have the money?
d) With what is mercy compared here?
e) Do you think that Portia is also a good friend of Antonio? Explain your answer with an example.
11.3.11 Read the following note on 'The Tone of Vaice' and then, identify the tones of the following dialogues.
(The Tone of Voice এর উপর নচিরে note টা পড়1ে। তারপর নচিরে dialogue গুলাের tone চছিনতি কর ে1
The tone of voice plays an important role in communication. It refers to how you sound when you speak or write. When you are talking to others, your tone clarifies and conveys your moods and feelings about someone or something. For example, if your friend asks for your help and you reply, 'I am busy, I don't know. Your reply can be taken in a number of different ways depending on your tone of expressing it. Your tone not only affects how people perceive you but also their willingness to listen to you, Likewise, the tone in a play indicates particular feelings. It can be joyful, serious, humorous, sad, threatening, formal, informal, pessimistic, or optimistic. In The Merchant of Venice, we come across different tones.
An example of a serious tone is:
Salerio: I know Antonio must be worrying about his merchandise.
Antonio: Believe me, that's not the case. My fortune is spread out on many ships in many places.
Again, an example of a playful tone is-
Lorenzo: I must be one of those dumb wise men, as Gratiano never lets me speak.
Gratiano: Well, keep me company for two more years, you'll not know the sound of your own voice!
An example of humours tone is-
Gratiano: Let me play the fool; With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles. come...
Why should a young man sit like his grandfather cut in alabaster? O my Antonio, some men are reputed wise for saying nothing. But if they spoke, they would be called fools like me!
The tone of voice (কন্ঠস্বর। যোগাযোগে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে। এটা বলতে বোঝায়, কিভাবে তুমি কথা বলছো অথবা লিখছো। যখন তুমি কারো সাথে কথা বলো তখন তোমার tone তোমার মেজাজ বা অনুভূতি স্পষ্ট করে (clarify)
উদাহরণস্বরূপ: যদি তোমার বন্ধু তোমার কাছে সাহায্য চায় এবং তুমি উত্তর দাও-'আমি ব্যস্ত, আমি জানি না। তোমার উত্তরটি তোমার স্তরের উপর ভিত্তি করে বিভিন্নভাবে নেওয়া যেতে পারে। তোমার tone শুধুমাত্র তাদের উপলব্ধিকেই প্রভাবিত করে না বরং তোমার কথা শোনার জন্য তাদের ইচ্ছাকে প্রভাবিত করে একইভাবে একটি নাটকের স্বর (tone) একটি বিশেষ অনুভূতিকে প্রকাশ করে। এটা হতে পারে আনন্দদায়ক, গম্ভীর, হাস্যরসাত্মক, দুঃখজনক, ভীতিকর, আনুষ্ঠানিক, অনানুষ্ঠানিক, হতাশাবাদী অথব্য আশাবাদী, The Marchant of Venice' নাটকটিতেও তুমি বিভিন্ন tone পাবে।
(Serious tone এর একটি উদাহরণ হচ্ছে:)
Asif: I lost my phone yesterday.
Polash: Oh, sorry to hear that. How did that happen?
Your answer:________________
Sumana: An aunt from our neighbourhood came over yesterday. She was speaking to my mom. I overheard what they were talking about. Auntie was asking my mom why my parents were not looking for a groom for my marriage!
Shegufta: Really? How funny! Marriage at our age? We are not yet adults!
Sumana: Yes, I was shocked to hear that. In fact, I am little worried
Shegufta: Don't worry. I know your parents are sensible. They won't listen to her!
Sumana: I hope so
Your answer:__________________
Lalon: I almost failed in my English exam again
Ruma: That's great news! Let's celebrate.
Your answer:__________________
Bijeta: Hi Lalon! How are you?
Pallob: Not good! I didn't do well in English.
Bijeta: Oh, did you?
Pallob: Yes. I don't know how I can improve my English.
Bijeta: As far as I know, you are doing well in all subjects except English. I am sure you can do well in
English too. I think you should seek advice from our English teacher.
Your answer:___________________
Raihan: You know what, I did something stupid yesterday. It's bothering me.
Anamul: Really? What's that?
Raihan: I shouted at the rickshaw puller! Actually, I paid him TK 30 which I always do when I get to school by rickshaw, but he was asking for TK 40. I couldn't control my temper
Anamul: I know! It happens when we forget to fix the price before the ride
Raihan: Yes. But I can't get over it.
Anamul: Oh, don't think about it! Cheer up!
Your answer:______________________
11.3.12 You have already learnt the literary (plot, character, setting, dialogur, scene etc.) and stylistic characteristics (simile, metaphor and allegory) of a play. Now, in pairs/groups, identify and write the characteristics you find in The Merchant of Venice. Then, describe them in the given table. Add as many rows as you need. One is done for you.
(তোমরা ইতোমধ্যে নাটকের literary বৈশিষ্ট্য (plot, dialogue, character, setting, scene etc) এবং stylistic বৈশিষ্ট্য (simile, metaphor এবং allegory) সম্পর্কে জেনেছো। এখন জোড়ায়/দলে The Marchant of Venice নাটকের বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলো চিহ্নিত করো এবং সারণিতে সেগুলো (বৈশিষ্ট্য গুলো) বর্ণনা করো। প্রয়োজনে আরও কিছু সারি যুক্ত করো। একটি তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।)
Characteristics | Description |
1) Setting | In the play, there are six scenes. The setting of the first scene is a wharf in Venice, Italy. The setting of each scene is different like a Court in Venice, the hall of Portia's house at Belmont etc. |
11.4.1 You have learnt how to use the literary and stylistic features in a play. Also, you know how to decide the type of play and tone of the voice. So, let's write a play in groups!
(একটি নাটকের literary এবং stylistic features সম্পর্কে তোমরা শিখেছো। কিভাবে নাটকের ধরন এবং স্বর (tone) নির্ধারণ করতে হয় তা ও শিখেছো। সুতরাং চলো দলে একটি নাটক লিখে ফেলি।)
Follow the instructions to complete the activity.
সবশেষে তুমি নাটকে যে literary এবং stylistic feature গুলো ব্যবহার করেছো এবং কীভাবে সেগুলো
তোমার ধারনাকে আরো ভালোভাবে প্রকাশ করতে সাহায্য করেছে তার উপর একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত text লেখো।
পরে তোমার শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি copy জমা দাও।
New Wards:
helpless, determination, delicious, speechless, convince, refuse, judgement, messenger, unusual, beneath,
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